Monday, June 22, 2009

Iranian Poet: Dear Mr. Khamenei...

You've simply GOT to read this. The "slave" he's talking about that Khameini bought is President Ahmadinejad, as the context makes clear. I can't help quoting it at length:

...when three million people suppress their hatred towards injustice and oppression in their hearts all the way from Enghelab [revolution] to Azadi [freedom] [square], and only express their stolen victory with a gesture of two fingers.

You were not to spill blood, which you did, you were to keep the boundaries, which you did not, and you were to preserve respect, which you violated, you trampled the right of a whole nation with utmost inequity and total injustice. You trampled over the right of millions of people so the city’s famous liar could call a great and dignified nation "dust and twigs", he who was an obedient slave that you bought at the price of selling all the elders of the tribe. I am not talking about your rationality, your justice, your dignity, your wisdom, your intelligence, your ability to distinguish what is best, let’s forget about these, I just want to ask: why couldn’t you calculate the price correctly?

It is said that everything has a price, and that whatever you get, you have to pay its price. Didn’t you consider the value of what you were attaining before paying so much for it? How much did you pay for this servant of yours who is worth nothing in the tricky market of lies and deception? At the price of breaking the head, cutting the tongue and injuring the body of your own nation? At the price of those of a dignified nation and free people that only wanted the rights that you had promised them being killed? At the price of curses, bitter words and ill-wishes of millions of people who walk in silence in fright of the heavy-booted militia, rootless bearded armed thugs, and riot police, who say nothing so you may have a chance to think of what you’ve done?

You bought this slave at the price of millions whose rights you have violated cruelly shouting "Allah-u Akbar" in the heart of darkness? You have let this unmannered incapable person attack people like a wild creature, loosening the dogs and shaking the foundations of your own establishment, and put the head of your Expediency Council under house arrest? You should have at least had some respect for Hashemi because he was your neighbor for twenty years or so and a friend for more than forty, do you really need no friends anymore? I’ve heard that you’ve said that those who take to the streets are responsible for their own lives, why is that? Are the streets of this countty the personal property of your late father? Don’t people have the right to defend their rights in the streets of our cities?

Mr. Khamenei!

...There are many graveyards in the world were men of politics who have spoken word similar to yours lie. They had forgot one thing, that death will also conquer the powerful. Hitler, Slatin, Pol Pot, Lenin, the Shah and Ayatollah Khomeini all died, and so will you eventually. When a great man dies there are two reactions in the masses, some of them mourn the loss of the great man, and some send him an eternal curse. Dear sir! Take your words back before death has taken over you and you have been left with that eternal curse. Let yourself remain the ordinary Khamenei, the one that is known to people as a powerless figure, full of grudges and without a powerful stance, a weak leader that could probably be tolerated. But if you are tempted to act like someone who is greater than you, and issue commands for killings, we will not believe you, that is not your job brother. Our people are also such cowards, they will not be intimidated. The people are standing and if you plant wind, you shall plow a storm.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!
    I am the translator of this, and came here from the comment you left at tehranbroadcast. thanks for your interest in the article, just a few things I'd like to point out:
    - there was a small mistake in the translation towards the end, it should be "are also *not* such cowards", maybe you would want to fix it here too.
    - Nabavi is not a poet as far as I know :), he is actually most famous for his satire ...
    -shameless self-promotion: maybe you would also be interested in this:
